

FAQ: Is your Website Healthy?

This is an important question you have to ask yourself. Does your website suffer from: extension conflicts, broken links, long load-time, frequent system crashes, or confusing navigation? These factors will force your customers to leave your site despite how amazing your products/services are. Your online sales are highly relied on your website’s performance. Therefore, we recommend all owners to perform a health check periodically for their website(s). Treat it like how you treat your body, your car, or your house.

We provide our clients with the Website Health Check service to build/maintain a healthy website. Our specialists will go over every detail of your website to detect and resolve these site issues.By doing so, you end up with a healthy, unfettered platform. Our service will address the deep-rooted difficulties as well as surface elements with minimal downtime.

Website Health Check: How?

To facilitate in-depth assessment without disrupting your live store, we start by duplicating your store to our development environment. Next, we scrutinize your code for the architecture, code quality, and performance. We then process the raw results through a standardized scoring system for a detailed report. After we have finished this process, we will present the information in an intuitive, graphic-rich format, supported by practical solutions to align with Magento’s best practices.

Our Website Health Check comprises over 30 sub-tests spanning the visible and deep-coded elements. Furthermore, if you agree with our report and want to improve your website, Maginx offers even more services to satisfy any new needs.

Why Maginx?

We have the most reliable and knowledgeable experts who are passionate about web technology. With experience in this industry for over ten years, we have seen lots of businesses grow more successful due to a healthy website. With that in mind, we at Maginx want to offer our clients a strong foundation for a bigger and brighter future for their company.

If you are interested in our service, please talk with us for more details.